Love my family, be kind and serve one another. Make no room for regrets, tomorrow is not promised and today is short. Let’s walk together, hand in hand, day by day. Whatever weather, rain or hot. Just letting you know you’ll never be alone.”

— Richard Yates

  • Richard, You have motivated me to be a better person because you taught me how to create daily goals for myself in order to active the success i envisioned. You also stressed the importance of writing down my thoughts & goals so as to get my mind de-cluttered which allowed me to see things more clearly on paper. You also make me feel like a superstar and you keep reassuring me that i can be a great in accomplishing my goals, so long as i stick to them, plan them out and see them come to life. You also made me realize that even the little bit that i do each day counts for something towards achieving my goals, so i should never feel like i have to only make big accomplishments in my day, in order to make headway.

  • "We are all strangers to our hidden potential until we confront problems that reveal our capabilities."

    A lot of people have said that I've done more in my first of half of my life than many others will be able to do in their lifetime. I've always taken pride in how many things I've been able to accomplish and how many interests and hobbies that I have. All of those things were put on hold to raise a family. I will never regret that or say that I wish things were different. I'm proud of my family and how my kids have grown into young adults. Once I had faith that my kids were grown and stable enough, I started to feel lost. I didn't know why; a part of me just felt incomplete.

    I lost most of my self-esteem, I was unhappy in my career and I felt almost worthless. A friend of mine started to help me get back in the gym and get more active. I didn't even realize it but he made sure I was at the gym when I said I would be, and pushing myself harder when I was there. Before I knew it, I had lost 40 lbs. and hadn't felt that great since the kids were young. I felt like a new woman, younger, more vibrant, and actually excited to be living again. My self-esteem was back which pushed me to do more physically. I started coaching cheer, an old passion of mine which I never thought I would do again because I was 'too old'. I threw myself into cheer, living, breathing, every minute which brought me closer to my daughter as one of my cheerleaders. A piece of my younger years came back, we traveled, competed and practiced, practiced, practiced. I needed help and the same friend that trained me, also helped me train the cheerleaders. He worked alongside me coaching young kids and young adults.

    Even though that part of excitement was back in my life, I still was unhappy. I didn't like my career. I felt empty. My friend that had helped me train and coach had also started to talk to me about why I was unhappy in my career. Day in and day out, I would constantly weigh the options of staying in my career, leaving my job, doing something else, and finding out what other jobs I could fall back on that would satisfy me. With enough support, I ended up leaving my job and going back to school to be what I thought I never was going to be happy in: a nurse.

    I am now a nurse and still going to school to go even further in the medical field. And I have never been more excited, happy and fulfilled! It feels like this career has no boundaries of how far I can go, and that keeps me going to go bigger and better. I'm great at what I do and I actually say I love my job, I don't dread ever going anymore.

    I didn't realize it at the time but I was messed up, depressed, and lost hope of any dreams or goals. And I look back, one person was there with me every step of the way. Richard Yates never told me what to do, how to think or even judged me. It was simple, he was able to take all the jumble in my head and heart, and organize it for me so that I could make the decisions myself. Every accomplishment I had as a new person, he was the one that was there beside me, guiding me to my own happiness, allowing me to discover what I was capable of and what I want in life. I can honestly say, I wouldn't be where I am today without him.

  • Writing isn’t something I like to do, but when Richard said he wanted me to be a testament on his website I figured it’s the least I could do after all he’s done for me. I’m not, and never have been the best student, school just wasn’t my thing. Assignments, attendance, even social events just weren’t easy for me. A lot of what Richard talked about I had heard from my mom before, but for some reason coming from him and not her I actually heard it. Talking with him about these things, my struggles was easier, less combative I guess. Maybe because he wasn’t my parent, I felt less like I was letting him down when he tried to put steps in place that would help make me a better student? Whatever the reason, it worked! I became more task oriented, and Richard was able to help me to understand the importance of being on time and how it reflected on me as a student. How being on time, and prepared showed my teachers that I respected their time, and their knowledge. There were a lot of other things that Richard helped me to see I could be better at. He continues to push me.... with my cosmetology classes, my special effects cosmetics, and my comfort zone limits. I like to think I am a better student, daughter, friend & sister because of him. My mom has often given great credit to a few people along the way that inspired her to be a better version of herself. I’m pretty sure Richard will be one of the people I get to thank from along my way!

    Thankx PB

    <3 Trin

  • I cannot begin to describe what an honor it is to have Richard in my life,. Rich has been supportive not only as a life coach but as a true friend.

    Thank you Richard!!

  • I had the pleasure of meeting Richard 6 months ago at the gym, when we started to talk about what we did in our day to day lives we discovered that we could both benefit from helping one another out. Being in technology I offered to help Richard with some of his tech needs in exchange for his knowledge in gym training. Who knew that although I wasn’t looking for someone to coach me in life, that he would bring so much more than I ever expected to the table. Richard has been such an amazing friend, he has brought so much clarity to me on so many levels just by being my friend. Being able to engage him at the gym I have learned so much about myself and who I really am, and how much more I could be. He has pushed me to levels that I never imagined. While helping him with his business, he has, in turn, helped me to be so much more than I ever thought I could be. He has provided direction & clarity in my day to day to day life with my children, my job & my personal relationships. I feel so blessed to call him my friend. I am so excited for what the future holds for him and those that allow him to enter into their lives on a coaching level. He was meant to be this person.

    "As their coach, your job is to set the bar high, inspire them to reach this bar, encourage them, and most of all, guide them in the best possible manner and in the most supportive environment."

    He has accomplished all this, and so more for me . . . best of luck to you my friend & thank you for being you!


  • You were told by God, that has kept you (saved your life), because you have a purpose in life...(like a mission). You'll be of inspiration for others, for what you have been through, and what you have overcome in life. God sees great potential in you, and He will give you the tools you need to reach others. You'll be testifying in the future about everything you have gone through in life and on everything God will fill. You were told you have a calling for ministry, helping others, and both the Pastor and Pastor's wife said they can see your beautiful heart, how you have been gifted with such beautiful, sensible heart to heal people in need.

    The Pastor's wife saw a vision where she saw you traveling to another country as a missionary, where she saw you wearing shorts and sandals. You were prayed for your business to grow, for more wisdom and knowledge. For your heart to be filled from any emptiness you might experience, for revelation of what God wants to do with you.

    Cassandra Macias & CWC

  • We can't say enough about Richard's professionalism, true caring nature, and his extensive knowledge. He brings all these qualities and more to the table when working with you. Richard is a great Personal Trainer and an outstanding Life Coach.

    Our testimonial is simple, my husband and I met Richard through the gym we were going to. We hired him as a personal trainer because we felt we needed someone who would motivate and push us to achieve our health goals. Richard did not disappoint in that aspect. Richard was encouraging, persistent and made workouts more tolerable.

    We also had the pleasure to work with him as our Life Coach. Richard has great insight and compassion for what he does and it shows. Richard is the type of person who truly listens and takes the time to understand what you are saying. He works with you and together, puts a plan moving forward.

    We especially appreciate the dedication, motivation and true friendship he has shown us. Keeping us on track, keeping us informed, being a wealth of information, pushing us when we thought we couldn't do it anymore. And lastly, reassuring us and comforting us through stressful times.

    Thank you doesn't seem to be enough for all you have helped us with. We are blessed and grateful to call you our friend.

  • Coach Richard started out as my personal trainer and he’s become so much more. Originally when I met Richard I was seeking help getting back into shape. He has not only helped me lose 41 pounds but has helped me find balance in my life. He’s helped show me how to find balance between work, my kids, exercising and socializing. He’s provided me with tools that not only help keep me on track with my weight loss journey but have also helped me keep organized with my work. He is very easy to talk to, trustworthy, motivated, and truly cares about you. He helps you come up with a plan whatever the situation may be and helps you follow through. Richard has really helped me find balance in my life and reach several health and career related goals. He has been a real life changer and saver. Whatever you may need help with whether it be your career, time management, health, etc., I highly recommend Richard.

    Jackie T.

  • Coach” Rich Yates is so much more than his title. He has been an inspiration in my life to achieve what I didn’t believe was possible, literally.

    I was at a low point in my life looking for a way to make it better but looking at my handicap of working toward my goal not possible. Rich gave me confidence in myself and his guidance that I COULD attain my goal, which I have far more than achieved and now view as a beginning and can go farther than I ever imagined.

    He has a kindness, knowledge and experience that transcends what people envision for themselves. He CAN and WILL, in my experience, have the ability to look at your personal situation and bring resolution that is within your abilities to achieve beyond what you believe you possible.

    Julie W.

  • I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Richard Yates as a Life Coach.

    I first became acquainted with Richard back in November of 2016, during a fitness challenge held at the gym. I liked and enjoyed Richard’s personality and fitness knowledge that once the challenge was over, I asked him to be my personal trainer. I have no regrets, on the contrary that has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

    During my fitness training with Richard, I realized that not only I had found the best fitness trainer for my needs, but a true mentor. When I first started my training, I was still in the process of healing from a tremendous loss in my life. I was at that time extremely vulnerable and very sad for the most part. Despite my efforts of moving forward, I was struggling and at times it seemed pointless to try.

    Richard took very personal my suffering and needs, he took time to listen for hours, he was there to give me the support I didn't know I needed. He was my shoulder to cry on. He was the friend, the hug, the brother, he was there for me. Without plan or I knowing, Richard had become my biggest life support.

    I had spoken to many people, family, friends, but I never really felt understood. Richard had the sensibility, the knowledge on how to guide me. My outlook on life has become more positive, happier and more fulfilling. His advice, care and friendship has helped me achieve what seemed almost impossible.

    I strongly recommend Richard Yates as a Life Coach, for he has the biggest asset (sensibility) to guide anyone in need of support, Richard’s professionalism is outstanding. He has the best attitude and fun personality. He has the perfect combination between the strong physical appearance with a charming and graceful heart, willing to help.

    I can't ever thank enough Richard for helping me become a better version of me. Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally.

    Karla M.

Michael Phelps said, “With hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits”. I am no stranger to working out, didn’t need any help....until I had it! Working with a personal trainer wasn’t something I ever entertained, and then I met Richard Yates. He introduced himself, followed by “you know you are capable of so much more, right?”. At first I was a bit offended, but after talking with him and opening up to the idea that maybe I didn’t know it all, I gave it a chance. It was the best decision I ever made! Although I did know a lot, and I was fit, I never imagined that I would be in the best physical shape of my life in my 50’s!

Richard taught me that the muscle mind connection was the most important part of success. I didn’t even know that was a thing! He taught me that a woman could lift weights without looking masculine, a fear that kept me from from lifting weights my whole life! He gave me a confidence that I didn’t even know I was missing, that allowed me to push past personal comfort zones that I didn’t even know I created. He gave me an arsenal of knowledge that no one can take away from me.

Now I’m on my own, with all that he taught me and I’ve never been at a better place in life. It’s a commitment, it’s not always easy, it can be mentally and financially challenging. I would do it all over again in a heart beat!

No one can take away all that I have learned from Richard, it was an investment well made, and a forever friendship that is always there to support me if I need it!

I’m better because I met you, thank you!
— L.C.
Writing isn’t something I like to do, but when Richard said he wanted me to be a testament on his website I figured it’s the least I could do after all he’s done for me. I’m not, and never have been the best student, school just wasn’t my thing. Assignments, attendance, even social events just weren’t easy for me. A lot of what Richard talked about I had heard from my mom before, but for some reason coming from him and not her I actually heard it. Talking with him about these things, my struggles was easier, less combative I guess. Maybe because he wasn’t my parent, I felt less like I was letting him down when he tried to put steps in place that would help make me a better student? Whatever the reason, it worked! I became more task oriented, and Richard was able to help me to understand the importance of being on time and how it reflected on me as a student. How being on time, and prepared showed my teachers that I respected their time, and their knowledge.

There were a lot of other things that Richard helped me to see I could be better at. He continues to push me.... with my cosmetology classes, my special effects cosmetics, and my comfort zone limits.

I like to think I am a better student, daughter, friend & sister because of him. My mom has often given great credit to a few people along the way that inspired her to be a better version of herself. I’m pretty sure Richard will be one of the people I get to thank from along my way!

Thankx PB
— Trinity