This is my 'Thank You", for showing me so many things to get to where I am today.


For showing me LOVE...

Thank you Mom for always being the BEST MOM anyone could have. You were always making sure I had a hot breakfast before school and doing whatever it took to make me succeed.

Thank you for always BELIEVING in me that one day, I would do something GREAT, even when everyone (including myself), didn't. 

My success is because you NEVER GAVE UP on me. I can't thank you enough for all the LOVE you gave me. You have always pushed me to be my BEST. 

As a Mother, you are FANTASTIC, the warmth of your love is just MAGICAL. My relationship with you, my Mother, has no give and take, and there is nothing about our BOND that is fake. 

I love you Mom. I carry that with me every day. 

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For showing me FULFILLMENT...To all my CHEERLEADERS, I can't thank you enough for letting me coach for your Cheer Squads. I have never known what it felt like to HELP anyone. Watching you girls GROW into the young lady's you have become is so REWARDING. Helping you learn your stunts, routines, to you achieving your performances. Coaching and GUIDING you girls has been so FULFILLING to me. Going from cheer practices, to cheer camps, the road trips to cheer competitions have been absolutely rewarding. Growing up, I never had the chance to be part of something so GREAT. My struggles as a young boy prevented me from ever being involved with many team sports. THANK YOU, for letting me be your Coach. 


For showing me PASSION...

Thank you, Maria, for showing me what PASSION, love, and fulfillment is. I was not positively contributing to the world, community, youth, or myself until I met you. 

I was on a self-destructive path for most of my life and going nowhere because of it. You let me see who I was and what POTENTIAL I have by showing me you CARED and pushing me to my limits. 

You say I helped you progress your life, and love life again. Without knowing YOU'RE the one that helped me find the NEW PATH. The vision I have now is so great. 

I want the world to see how amazing they are and what impact they could have on the world as you did for me. I'm going to change the universe with one person at a time. 

Thanks to you, this is possible.