About Richard
I am proof that you can RISE TO THE TOP no matter how close to the bottom that you’ve been.
Are You Ready?
Once you decide to start the journey, there is no stopping you.
You just need to decide. To look at your past, your present, and know that you are capable of greatness. Greatness on a scale that you can't even comprehend.
I believe that dreams can only be achieved through massive action. Without the strategies to put these actions to use, our dreams stay in our minds and nowhere else.
If you are looking for a way out of what seems like an endless feeling of just surviving life, and would rather thriving in life, then I am glad that our paths have crossed.
Hello, my name is Richard and I help to coach people into finding success in life, personally and professionally. It is my passion to help people find the tools that I did to better their lives. At one point in my life, it felt like everything was falling apart. Richard is an ICF certified life coach.
At a young age, Richard Yates, Jr. endured emotional and physical battles as a native Northern Californian. At a ripe young age of only 2 years old, Richard almost lost his life to a dog bite on his neck. If it wasn’t for his mother finding him and carrying him on foot to the hospital, his name wouldn’t exist today.
As luck would have it, the bite had just missed his main artery.
Life at home remains part of his mystery...
But his actions during his childhood reflected the adversity he faced within his family. Richard consistently found himself in distress with both the school and law systems. He was revolting against any authority, constantly getting in fights with other kids, proving himself to be a non-conformist, rebelling against any self-growth. Richard was in and out of the school system, landing himself in juvenile detention.
During Richard’s adolescence...
There was one motive that kept him ticking, success. Richard started his own neighborhood yard service at 12 years old, selling door to door. Meeting new people also exposed him to new opportunities. Even with steady work, no income came close to the amount of success he was seeking.
His new lifestyle allowed him...
A false sense of security and personal success. Richard’s drive was based on anger, and hatred. School didn’t matter, the lonelier he was the more focused he became. His mother was his only rock, she wanted greatness for him and protected him from as much diversity as she could. Still, he didn’t know that his crazy lifestyle would bring him back to where he was as an infant, close to death.
It was supposed to be normal day… Richard rode the street freely on his motorcycle. In a matter of a millisecond, Richard was in a coma. He was hit by another vehicle which launched him off his bike and in the hospital. After multiple surgeries, and weeks in the hospital, Richard finally came to. As he awoke, he realized his body was dragged through the grinder and felt the enormous pain of the aftermath. He almost lost his leg and couldn’t move his arm. The worst part was losing most of his memories and having difficulty with his basic motor skills. Richard went through multiple sessions of physical therapy and mental rehabilitation. But he never recovered from who he was before the accident.
Richard was diagnosed with…
Depression, ADHD, had suicidal tendencies and is OCD. He dove into the world of physical fitness, which he was dedicated to prior the accident. However, weightlifting and exercise was his new addiction of security and personal success. Focusing on physical fitness kept him from ‘needing’ all the medications for his mental state. Meeting a different set of new people.
Richard started training...
Doing what he loved to do, giving him a new feeling of satisfaction. He met people from different avenues of life, recovering drug addicts, rehabilitated athletes, people with low self-esteem, etc. One of the clients he trained happened to be an old neighbor during his childhood who he kept in touch with during the different stages of his life. Because of the incredible results she received from his sessions, she ended up asking Richard to joining her in coaching cheer. His background in physical fitness brought a new level of training to a group of young athletes. The results were remarkable, landing first place trophies and awards to multiple competitions, allowing them to move up in division based on their increasingly newfound capabilities. She created an everlasting bond with Richard, noticing that he has risen from the path of disaster in his adolescence, to a motivating mentor and confident. Richard was able to help her not only transform into the person that she wanted to become but also went through the struggles alongside her, never giving up and doing everything he could to help her gain personal success.
With a combination of…Recovering physically and mentally, Richard found a new state of motivation. He was now helping people feel better about themselves physically, leading them to increase their self-confidence and pushed them even further to strive mentally. Richard gained many new lasting relationships with his clients, whom have entrusted him with their own inner battles, struggles and different meanings of success. He has been able to relate to a majority of his peers due to his life experiences and has helped those who have asked for his guidance.
Although there is still much to learn….
Richard has dedicated his life to helping others find a newfound state of stability as he was able to do for himself. Not all avenues are the same, nor are they better or worse. He strives to find the clarity that he finally received after believing there was only one lifestyle to live based on his choices. Some people just need a gentle nudge, some need a life changing event. Let Richard help you discover the true inner you and uncover your own true happiness.